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  • London NW9 6TD
  • office@morganhss.com

Morgan HSS has a lot of experience helping clients with personal injury claims arising from workplace incidents that resulted in harm. Depending on the circumstances, especially if the injured party is unable to return to work, this can be very traumatic experience affecting family, work colleagues and the community as a whole in certain cases.

We are not solicitors; we therefore cannot represent potential clients in court. However, it is vital that immediately following an incident, an investigation is undertaken, evidence is collected and witness statements are taken. Morganhss.com know how to conduct investigations, compile reports and liase between clients, solictitors and insurers to give the injured person the best possible chance of success.

Alternatively, if you are an employer, and an employee or third party is involved in an incident on a site, or in a workplace, over which you have control, morganhss.com can assist in conducting the investigation and compiling a report of the facts. If it can be shown that the employer did everything “reasonably practicable” to prevent “reasonably forseeable” risk, then there is every chance that the employer would not be liable.

If you want to take legal action to claim compensation for a personal injury, you will need to get advice from a solicitor specialising in these types of cases. This must be done as soon as possible as there are strict time limits on taking legal action.

Contact us as soon as possible following an incident and wether you are an employer, employee or third party, we ofer a “no obligation” initial consultation and we will try our very best to assist.